I had never seen an eagle in the water before. But there he was…this beautiful juvenile bald eagle standing at the edge of a stream. And after taking a drink, he looked around, absorbing his surroundings.
And I wondered…what must that be like? Having the ability to see the world from high above as well as from ground level. Such different perspectives…
As I continued on my adventure, my thoughts strayed to the idea of perspective. In my humanness, I sometimes get caught in tunnel vision…so sure my ideas are the correct ones. And I watch myself become rigid and unyielding.
Perhaps the eagle’s presence was a reminder of the importance of considering issues from various perspectives. The key to resolutions that work for all, I suspect.
It’s not easy, this human existence. I’m very grateful for animal teachers who quietly help us along…
(New photos on website Gallery: wandernature.com/new-photos)