It was Charles Darwin who said, ‘The love for all living creatures is the most noble human attribute.’ Last week I had an experience that really brought this idea home to me.
A little background…for many years, the Department of Fish and Wildlife has been working to increase the purple martin population. Purple martins are migratory birds whose numbers have been declining. The wildlife refuge where I volunteer has several man-made gourds that serve as nests for these birds who return each spring to have their babies.
Last Tuesday, the gourds were carefully lowered and we peered in to check on the baby birds. The older babies were carefully removed, gently examined, and then banded so their future movements could be tracked. No harm was done, and the parents welcomed the babies back into the nests.
I had the honor of holding each baby as it awaited its turn to be examined. I was amazed at how quiet and content they were. Some drifted off to sleep in my hand, their little hearts beating steadily. The baby in the picture was quite alert. As he gazed at me, I felt a strong kinship with him, and a deep love for all the trusting little birds. I had the distinct feeling that the love was reciprocated.
Soon these birds will begin their long trek to South America to spend the winter…a daunting and brave journey in my eyes.
I wish them safe travels…what an honor and privilege it was to meet them.
(New photos on website Gallery: