A few weeks ago, I encountered a crow preening in a tree. I've always been fascinated by crows. They're not very popular birds, often viewed as noisy scavengers.
I know that every animal serves an important role in the physical world as well as in the spiritual world. What about the crow?
In my research, I learned that crows are quite intelligent, able to solve multi-step problems. I heard a story about some city crows who were partial to the walnuts on a street tree. Unable to crack the husks with their beaks, the crows systematically placed the walnut pods in the traffic lanes on a nearby street. After the tires crushed the pods, the crows retrieved the walnuts and enjoyed the bounty. Amazing!
Crows are wonderful parents, as the mother and father take turns sitting on the eggs and caring for their young. They are also the watchers in the natural world, warning others of impending danger.
Crows are important spiritual symbols in many traditions, representing creation and spiritual strength. Mindfulness, fearlessness, integrity, and speaking the truth are all attributes of the crow. Crows are also known as messengers, calling to us to notice that creativity and magic are alive and well on our planet.
So the next time I hear the strident caw of a crow, I will be grateful for the reminder of all that is truly afoot on our Beloved Earth…
(New photos on website Gallery: wandernature.com/new-photos)