One cold windy day last week, I wandered for a while through a small forest not far from my home. Wearing my warmest coat, gloves, and hat, I braved the elements.
The forest was so beautiful, the sunlight reflecting off the remnants of snow. The trees and paths were alive with chirping birds searching for food.
This little bird landed on a branch close by, the brisk wind blowing his feathers. But he didn’t seem distressed or worried about the freezing temperatures. And I wondered…was he cold?
I suspected not. I’ve read that small birds can use their own body heat to warm the air between their feathers. Then they fluff themselves up to trap the air to stay comfortable. Amazing…
As I watched the little bird fly off, I was reminded that the Earth has created all Her beings with awe-inspiring perfection. There are no mistakes in nature.
And I smiled, once again amazed by the natural world…
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