Yesterday was one of those days. A day when I was hard on myself…I’m too much this and not enough that. I was caught in an endless loop of self judgment.
To get away from myself, I went to the Earth. As I walked, my pace slowed, and I could feel myself calming down. What a relief, as the easy rhythm of the Earth began to take me.
After a bit I reached a lake, and noticed this lone duck paddling around. I studied her for a while, wondering what it's like to be her. Does she judge herself? Does she worry that her feathers are sticking up, or that she doesn’t swim as well as her duck friends?
I suspect not. She lives fully in the Earth’s divine loving energy. As she paddled around, I could feel her confidence…she knew she was loved and accepted for exactly who she was. No doubts, no worries, just a knowing that all is well.
I took great comfort in that knowing as I headed back to my car...
(New photos on website Gallery: