A few days ago, I watched this beautiful dragonfly wing his way around a pond. How amazing that he started as a tiny egg, transformed into a nymph, and then emerged as a fully grown dragonfly.
I marvel at nature’s way of creating life and then transforming it. An acorn that turns into a mighty oak tree, a helpless hatchling that grows into a powerful eagle…stunning.
In nature, change is the rule rather than the exception.
We humans often resist change and cling to the familiar, but beings in the natural world don’t hold on to the old. Leaves don’t cling to tree branches, butterflies don’t hide in their cocoons, and snakes don’t resist shedding their skin. It’s not in their nature.
As I continued my walk, I wondered about my own resistance to change. Why do I cling to the old when the new is inevitable?
So the next time I find myself afraid of an approaching change, I’ll remember the dragonfly…and welcome the opportunity for transformation and a fresh new start.
(New photos on website Gallery: wandernature.com/new-photos)