While watching a group of ducks the other day, I saw a ruckus erupt. After much squawking and quacking, this mallard moved himself to another part of the lake.
He preened for a while, and eventually returned to his duck tribe. They greeted him with what I suspect were apologies, and the group swam off together.
I smiled as I realized that we have some things in common with the duck world. Like the ducks, we sometimes become overwhelmed and irritated with each other, and go off on our own to recover. Our tribe always welcomes us back.
Our families and communities are not perfect, but they help us foray through human complications and the challenges of life. They love and accept us in spite of our missteps and our quirks.
Ram Dass once said, ‘We’re all just walking each other home.’
I'm very grateful for the support…
(New photos on website Gallery: wandernature.com/new-photos)