A perfect morning…cold crisp air, a bit of blue sky, a glimmer of sunlight slipping through the clouds. As I watched the birds flutter about voraciously feeding, I noticed this Steller’s Jay perched on a branch. There he sat, quiet and calm.
As I watched him sitting perfectly still, I had a thought about our world. In the frenzy of activity and drama that is our everyday world, a space of peace and calm is most welcome.
A space in which to reorient and reset…perhaps a walk in a park, time with an inspirational book and a cup of tea, or even some conscious deep breaths. A chance, no matter how brief, to reconnect with our inner world of truth and peace.
So in that moment, I joined the jay in his quiet time, grateful for the opportunity to remember what’s important.
I appreciated the lesson from a little bird…
(Photo Gallery: wandernature.com/new-photos)