I noticed this rabbit enjoying breakfast at the edge of a trail last week. He spotted me and immediately froze. At first glance, freezing seemed like a poor defense, but I remembered something I had read. Assuming a posture of stillness makes the rabbit virtually invisible to its predators.
Rabbits know that their predators rely on movement as a signal to pounce, so they remain still in the face of danger. Brilliant.
Animals have a natural intelligence that allows them to survive and thrive.
There are so many examples of innate brilliance in the animal community...Steller’s jays can imitate the piercing cry of a hawk. Their clever imitation scares away other birds, leaving more food for themselves. Whales use complex sounds to communicate with each other and effectively coordinate their activities. They are also amazing problem solvers.
Along with natural intelligence, animals also experience emotion and demonstrate compassion. They have families and social structures and traditions. It seems to me that we’re much more alike than different.
As I returned to my car after my wandering, I thought about how much I appreciate all the beings who inhabit our beloved Earth…the animals, plants, stones, and humans.
I suspect that we’re all members of one big family sharing this beautiful planet…
(New photos on website Gallery: wandernature.com/new-photos)