I watched this beautiful hooded merganser float gracefully down a stream one morning. Over and over he dove in search of food, and then popped back up. I found myself wishing I could see into his underwater world. So much was happening below the surface…
And I had a thought. It’s true of people, too.
And I was reminded of a human encounter I had not long ago in the produce section of my grocery store. An older man stepped in front of me to reach the oranges, and my human mind quickly judged him as inconsiderate.
Moments later he noticed me and apologized. He shared that his mind wasn’t on shopping as his wife was in the hospital. We had a nice conversation, and I felt a twinge of guilt about my unkind judgment.
As a human, I know I have a propensity to judge. But maybe next time I’ll remember to look below the surface and connect rather than judge.
I’m grateful to the little merganser for the inspiration…
(Additional photos: wandernature.com/new-photos)