Yesterday as I admired this very colorful wood duck, I had a realization. Earth Mother has an amazing imagination. Her creative designs are quite spectacular.
I suspect that we have also been graced with a boundless imagination. I have recollections of so many imaginings as a child. Pirate ships, castles, forest adventures…it was all so effortless and real.
Perhaps those same imagining skills are still available to us as adults. All it requires is intention and focus. I suspect it’s time to tap back into my creative open-hearted self that knows what the world could be.
Perhaps with the divine partnership of the Earth, I could begin to imagine a new and glorious world…pristine water, clean air, lush unspoiled forests, peace, hope, love, compassion, and respect for all beings.
Imagine...a world that works for all.
(New photos on website Gallery: